Community or integrated healthcare : Community healthcare services
Impacts On:
Implementation of this information standard impacts all health IT systems
suppliers providing systems to the above providers; suppliers should work with
their customers to determine necessary changes.
This is an information standard commissioned by NHS England and NHS Improvement from the Professional Record Standards Body (PRSB) with the intent to establish consistency in information capture regarding personalised care and support planning.The Personalised Care and Support Plan information standard acts as a resource to support the implementation of the targets set out in the Universal Personalised Care strategy document published in 2019: NHS Long Term Plan commits that personalised care will become “business as usual” for the NHS and for 2.5 million people to benefit by 2023/24. Personalised care and support planning is one of the six components which make up this model. Universal Personalised Care details how this will be
achieved, with a target of 750,000 personalised care and support plans created by 2023/24.Personalised care means that people have choice and control over the way their care is planned and delivered, based on “what matters” to them and their individual strengths, needs and preferences.The first version of this information standard is to mandate the use of the PRSB Personalised Care and Support Plan standard (version 2.0) in appropriate care settings to achieve consistency of information capture. This will prepare care providers to be able to share relevant information which will be facilitated through a future version of this standard.