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Version: 0.0.1 | Published: 30 Jan 2023 | Updated: 740 days ago

Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Data Set



Applies To:
  • Healthcare services : Hospital services for people with mental health needs
  • and/or learning disabilities
  • and/or problems with substance misuse
Impacts On:
Implementation of this information standard impacts all health IT systems suppliers providing systems to the above providers; suppliers should work with their customers to determine necessary changes.
Conformance Date:
25 March 2022


The Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Data Set is a patient level, output based, secondary uses data set which aims to deliver robust, comprehensive, nationally consistent, and comparable information for people accessing NHS funded IAPT services located in England. This national data set has been developed with the NHS England and NHS Improvement IAPT Programme to support service delivery, inform clinical decision-making and encourage improved access to talking therapies for people with common mental health problems such as depression and anxiety disorders. As a secondary uses data set it re-uses clinical and operational data for purposes other than direct patient care, for example: commissioning, service improvement and service design. It defines the data items, definitions, and associated value sets to be extracted or derived from local information systems. These national definitions allow providers to extract data from their local systems in a consistent manner, which supports national and local reporting to be undertaken.

Document Control

  • Amanda Pritchard
  • Chief Operating Officer
  • NHS England and NHS Improvement
Approval Date:
06 July 2021
Business Lead:
  • Gavin Harrison
  • Business and Operational Delivery Manager
  • NHS Digital
Post Implementation Review Date:
31 March 2023
NHS Services
Claire Murdoch, National Mental Health Director, NHS England and NHS Improvement
awaiting approval