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Version: 0.0.1 | Published: 30 Jan 2023 | Updated: 740 days ago

NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded Nursing Care data 




This section contains statistics relating to the activity of NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded Nursing Care in England. Categories of activity covered are: eligibility, referrals, conversion rates, local resolutions and decision support tools. Background Information: Data are collected quarterly and cover Integrated Care Board Sub Locations in England. From 1 July 2022, Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) were established within Integrated Care Systems data and replaced Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs). Clinical Commissioning Groups have been replaced by sub-Integrated Care Boards. Data for the NHS CHC and NHS FNC data collection is now submitted by sub-Integrated Care Boards. Data in the tables are now presented by the current organisational structures; old organisational structures have been mapped to new structures in any time series. The data release includes: number eligible for NHS CHC, incomplete referrals over 28 days, personal health budgets, number of new referrals, number of referrals completed, number of referrals completed within 28 days, number of assessments completed, number assessed as eligible/ not eligible, number no longer eligible, assessment conversion rate, referral conversion rate and number of decision support tools (DST) completed in acute/ non-acute setting and NHS-funded Nursing Care activity. Data is available for Q1 2017/18 onwards.